June 2018

The passion of your lover this week will hurt you in the body, and you’ll see the blood flow out of your wound and you’ll be scared by the consequence of this strong passion. It will be just a moment cause your lover will hold you and ask for your forgiveness in a way so sweet that you’ll forget everything in just a moment. He will heal your wound and clean your body together with you under the shower. Take this moment with you along the day for it’s sweetness.

June 2018

In the coming weeks you’ll come in the hands of an experienced lover. Someone who know how to touch you to make you cry of pleasure and someone who will be grateful for every orgasm you’ll produce as if it was an “I love you” hidden inside your disclosed mouth. Love is a mystery that no gesture can explain better than the experience of dependency from the pleasure of your loving one.

June 2018

Those days will bring you a very intuitive and emphatic lover, he will know what you like to do just the moment before you realize it and will give you the pleasant feeling to do not have to ask to receive what you want. It will be a precious time. He or she will be happy to give you back a sweet gesture, and a desiring glance that will fulfill your life with reciprocity.

June 2018

In those week you’ll be seeking for security, inside the sheet of the bed it will turn in total abandon to the hands of your lover that will take you in new ways, and make what his fantasies ask him to do, and will handle your body in new manners, that will leave you amazed by his desires of you. It will be pleasant and hurtful at the same way. Don’t restrain you abandonment.

June 2018

This month you’ll meet someone who desires you with strength, and his touch will remind you his strength and his kiss will rise your senses without restraint. My advice is to take this strength and store inside your soul as long as it last, and give back the sweetness your heart has to deliver to calm down it’s desire.

June 2018

This month the expectation will prevail, to the front of a normal and laconic sex life that will bring happiness in little pieces. Remember that a good journey in the reign of sex is always made of two persons, and it has to be built day by day. So don’t complain and try to construct erotic atmospheres if not only with a good kiss at least with some warm thought.

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